Whether you’ve had a stressful day at work, you’re feeling anxious, or you’re just looking to unwind, our 10 most relaxing songs are guaranteed to bring you some solace. So, sit down, get comfy, and channel that “everything’s gonna be alright” energy.
Listen to our Chill playlist here, and check out our 10 most relaxing songs, below.
10: Lou Reed: Perfect Day
Upon first listen, Perfect Day’s haunting verses may render it an odd choice for inclusion among the most relaxing songs. Played in a minor key, the opening piano chords leave you on edge with discomfort and anticipation – something only relieved when the song reaches the chorus. Switching to a major key, Perfect Day’s glorious climax sounds hopeful, bringing with it a moment of relief in comparison to the downbeat verses. Creating a uniquely rich soundscape, with production from David Bowie, the song continues to flip between these two contrasting tones, reflecting emotional highs and lows, offering reassurance as it goes. More often found chronicling the lives of the artists and hustlers in New York City’s underground scene, here Lou Reed relaxes listeners through his bursts of optimism and his comfort with expressing more melancholy feelings.