Mick Fleetwood Plans Benefit For Hawaii Wildfire Victims

Mick Fleetwood is planning a benefit concert to help those impacted by the recent wildfires in Maui.
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“I’ve already got a lovely sort of catalogue of people that are concerned. I will remain mute on who they are, but I will either become part of something that we can do on a grand scale, which is great,” Fleetwood told Entertainment Weekly about the concert, currently in the works. “Anything is great, and playing in Honolulu, about two weeks from now, and that concert’s becoming – Henry Kapono who lives in Oahu, was celebrating the 50th anniversary of his career – well, I’m going to be doing that show, supporting.”
“So, all of this is unfolding is something I feel I can be apart, or really be spearheading,” the Fleetwood Mac drummer continued. “And it’s not now, but music heals, and music does its version of what I’m doing now.”
“I happen to live here. This is my home. I’m not passing through,” Fleetwood went on. “People think, ‘Oh, how many times do you come here and see your restaurant?” I say, ‘No, no, no. I live here. This is the only home I have. And so all of that is something – not to jump too far ahead, but the intention would be absolutely to be part of, or to be right shaking the flag, to rally around and put on a great incredibly beautiful show. Which I know can be done.”
“I have a foundation here now, The Mick Fleetwood foundation – Mick Fleetwood Foundation.Org will lead you to several really, really Bonafide organizations that are right here feet, on the ground already doing it, and we are adding to that dialog through the foundation,” Fleetwood explained. “The fact is, there is a whole load of wonderful places you could go. That’s me doing something I have a comfort with, really knowing what we are already affiliated with, are people that really know what they are doing.”