Sam Ryder On His Rise To Fame, Hugging Taylor Swift

Sam Ryder has spoken about his amazing rise to fame, career pre-Eurovision and an awkward moment with Taylor Swift.
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In an interview with The Sunday Times Ryder talked about working as a wedding singer, “There were dark nights of the soul. Lonely drive home, at 3am, after a wedding. Someone you know has had success. But when you see people succeeding, the best way to deal with it is to wish them the best because what you want for yourself you should want for everyone.
“I know that sounds airy-fairy, but if you put the fluffiness of that aside, that’s life. If I want a life with fulfilment and love, I have to want that for someone else, so I never got into self-loathing — it fired me up. There is one person who can make that happen. And it’s me.
“I had a lovely life before any of this happened and, ultimately, if you love something it’s no burden. I love singing. It doesn’t matter whether it’s at a wedding or to nobody in Leeds. Whatever happens, I’ve experienced a happy life.”
Meanwhile, talking to the Evening Standard, Ryder recounted his recent meeting with Taylor Swift at the MTV European Music Awards, when a hug nearly led to him losing the star’s earring. ““We had a hug when she won her award and my hair must have got caught and pulled her earring out,” Sam laughed. “And I’m telling you, it wasn’t a Claire Accessories earring either. It was a serious business earring.
“Luckily, she noticed it. I didn’t even see it come out, and came back to get it afterwards. It was on the bottom of Gayle’s shoe so she was lucky she didn’t walk anywhere otherwise she would have stood on it.”