Posts tagged with Rock
Best Irish Musicians: 20 Shining Talents From The Emerald Isle
Famous for making music enriched with soul and passion, the best Irish musicians are revered the world over.
Best Female Songwriters: 30 Great Artists You Need To Know
Encompassing an array of genres and subject matter in their work, the best female songwriters continue to inspire, regardless of gender.
‘Close To The Edge’: A Track-By-Track Guide To Every Song On Yes’ Magnum Opus
A track-by-track guide to every song on Yes’ ‘Close To The Edge’ – a mystical masterpiece of progressive rock that truly verges on the divine.
Best Female Singers Of All Time: 30 Trailblazing Music Icons
From insightful songwriters to roof-raising vocalists, the best female singers of all time have made sure women in music get heard.
‘Physical Graffiti’ At 50: A Track-By-Track Guide To Led Zeppelin’s Landmark Double Album
Sprawling and stunning, Led Zeppelin’s ‘Physical Graffiti’ album covers itself in glory throughout each of its 15 songs.
Most Influential Black Musicians: 40 Great Artists Who Changed Music
From Aretha Franklin to Prince and Miles Davis, the most influential Black musicians of all time have made the music world what it is today.
Best LGBTQ+ Albums: 12 Essential Records That Have Championed The Cause
Helping to bring sexuality and acceptance into the mainstream, the best LGBTQ+ albums have truly given voice to the community…
Best Songs About Sex: 20 Down’n’Dirty Tracks About Getting It On
Exploring the full range of sexuality, the best songs about sex are powerful expressions of identity and freedom for everyone to enjoy.
LGBTQ+ Musicians: 60 Pioneering Artists You Need To Know
From androgynous icons to convention-flouting rulebreakers, these pioneering LGBTQ+ musicians helped give the community a voice.
Best Anti-Valentine’s Day Songs: 30 Tracks For When Love Becomes Hate
Recognising the thin line between love and hate, the best anti-Valentine’s Day songs shoot cupid’s poison arrow back at him.
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